If I ran past the pond at just the right time, I could catch the first rays of the sun peaking over the horizon and reflecting its gorgeous glow onto the pond water. The dark outlines of palm trees were backlit by the pinky purple sky.
If I ran past the pond at just the right time, I could catch the first rays of the sun peaking over the horizon and reflecting its gorgeous glow onto the pond water. The dark outlines of palm trees were backlit by the pinky purple sky.
Christmas, to me, is a holiday that fully involves the senses. The sound of jingle bells and Christmas music, the smell of pine trees, the taste of gingerbread, the prickly branches of the Christmas tree and the sharp pointy end of a candy cane when savored slowly, and how if you squint your eyes just right, the Christmas lights look like stars. Maybe this is why it is such a nostalgic holiday; it has so many pathways to bring back memories.
©2023 · Laura Onstot