Have you ever paid attention to the people in your life without the leading roles? The people who you see on a somewhat regular basis, but don’t really know. Maybe you see them at pickup, the grocery store, or the post office. They’re the ones you make up stories about in your head. Sometimes I think my surrounding cast is just as important as the lead characters in my life. They add a sense of stability, without adding drama. And it always feels good to recognize someone.
I’m approaching the one-year anniversary of when I began working with a trauma therapist. The first day I sat on her suck-you-in kind of couch, I wore a bright green dress and rainbow earrings. I perched myself on the edge of the couch with my arms and legs tightly crossed, determined not to be sucked into the abyss.
Growing up, Summer began on Memorial Day with a race into the lake, winner being the person who was crazy enough to submerge in the frigid waters. The water of Long Lake was murky brown, and sketchy things happened on the shores- but I was too little to notice.